ISMA Federation International Awardees For The Year 2022

Dr. Ingrid Pirker-Binder
Dr. Ingrid Pirker-Binder Head Of The Dept. - Business & Health Salutology The Private University Of Salutology, Austria


Dr. Ingrid Pirker-Binder has developed popular CD: Stress Management for Kids "Happy Smilo & Friends" and also a teachers manual
Developed many universities course i regards to business & health salutology;
Manual for Meaning and Value Oriented Business and Health; Logotherpy and Existentialism; Stress Management - Biofeedback's for children and adults
Extensively worked on Workplace Health Management, Measuring Stress via Heart Rate Variability, biofeedback's, Stress Management
Published over 3 books on biofeedback - Biofeedback in der Praxis, Vol 2, Erwachsene; Biofeedback in der Praxis, Vol 1, Kinder; Prävention von Erschöpfung in der Arbeitswelt; betriebliches Gesundhe its management, interdisziplinäre Konzepte, Biofeedback

Prof. Marcus Fila
Prof. Marcus Fila Faculty Director Of The Leadership Minor Hope College


Marcus Fila, M.B.A., M.Sc., Ph.D. is a speaker, researcher, and management consultant on reducing work stress and unwanted turnover. Marcus helps leaders understand root causes of these problems, and their manifestations on the organization’s mission and financial health; and offers research-based training, assessments, and interventions. He is also an Associate Professor of Management at Hope College, Michigan, USA. Marcus presents his research at international conferences, and has published in journals such as Human Resource Management Review, Occupational Health Science, and Stress and Health. His PhD is in Leadership and Organizational Analysis from Western Michigan University. He also holds and M.Sc. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Ohio University, and an MBA from Kingston University, London. 
He did extensive work on work stress, illegitimate tasks, job design, employee retention and turnover
Hope Outstanding Professor Educator (H.O.P.E) Award, 2022

Awarded the Ruch Faculty Fellowship for research accomplishment

Jane Thomas
Jane Thomas Director Of Premier Life Skills Chair Of The International Stress Management Association (ISMA)


Jane Thomas is a recognized Individual and Organizational Trainer (ISMA)

UK Business Awards Judge 2018

UK Business Awards judge 2019

Worked with NHS, Police Force, Fire & Rescue Service. Civil Service, Local and Central Government, Educational Sector & Private organisations including the Financial sectors

Co-authored Mapping Motivation for Leadership

Extensively work on wellbeing, resilience, team work, stress and performance management, motivational mapping

Dr. Veronica Connaughton
Dr. Veronica Connaughton Psycho-Oncology WA Cancer Centres, Western Australia


Dr. Veronica Connaughton

1986: Secretary of UK Branch of International Stress & Tension Control Society (ISTCS) (pre-organization to ISMA UK)
Editor of ISTCS UK Newsletter
1990 - 2010: Director, ISMA Australia and New Zealand Branch
Organized 1st ISMA Australiasia Conference (with AAPB USA)
20 + years experience in Psychometrics, Personality Testing, Emotional Intelligence Testing, State-Trait Anxiety Scales (Spielberger), Stress Management & Complex Trauma, Hikikomori & post-Covid Lockdown Syndromes, Veterans Trauma Counselling
