About ISMA

The International Stress Management Association(ISMA) is a registered charitable trust with a multi-disciplinary professional membership. It aims to promote sound knowledge and best practices in the prevention and reduction of human stress. It sets professional standards for the benefit of individuals and organizations using the services of its members. ISMA is committed to bring out stress awareness among public and professionals in the society. It has organized Stress Awareness Month (SAM) during April and National Stress Awareness Day on 6th November in 2012, 2013 and 2014 throughout the country. It has conducted National Conference on Stress Management Professional (6-7 Nov. 2013). So far, ISMA conducted nine International Conferences successfully. (www.isma.org.in)


About PDEU

 PDEU has been promoted by Partnership of Government, Industry & Energy to create a world class University in energy education and research with special focus on the oil and gas sector. The university has further expanded its programs to address the need for trained human resource in the domains of engineering, management and humanities. It intends to broaden the opportunities for students and professionals to develop core subject knowledge which are duly complemented by leadership training interventions, thereby helping the students to make a mark in the global arena.

This objective is being further addressed through a number of specialized and well-planned undergraduate, post-graduate and doctoral programs as well as intensive research projects. Pandit Deendayal Energy University (PDEU) has been established by GERMI as a Private University through the State Act enacted on 4th April, 2007.



